The story
The know-how
The company
Jean Dubost Laguiole
How to take care of your knife
With each knife its use
Animation and training at the point of sale
The Jean Dubost team is delighted to accompany these young talents, tomorrow’s chefs!
The only and unique label officially attesting to the French origin of our products.
The Elysee collection X Jean Dubost : the excellence of made in France
Jean Dubost partner of the famous Paul Bocuse Institute at the Sirha show in Lyon
Jean Dubost partner of Action against hunger’s committed cooking workshops with Chloé Charles french cooking cheffe.
Jean Dubost: commitment and social responsibility - CSR
Jean Dubost <strong>french centenary cutler,</strong> joins forces with a french start’up to launch a range of new knives whose <strong>handles come from the circular economy.</strong>
Sirha green : the fair dedicated to responsible food service !
Jean Dubost the French knives for a natural table!
Jean Dubost the French Fab on the move
Making French industrial know-how known
Jean Dubost cutlery at Sirha show: the World Food and Hospitality Event!
Jean Dubost knives and flatware on trend!
Sharing and friendliness for a lunch at ""the club"" restaurant in Paris
""The pocket"" knife by Jean Dubost Laguiole
Golden, copper-colored or black finish flatware a style for everyone!
Highlight your cutlery range as close as possible to the consumer!
Laguiole Jean Dubost 100% made in France in What's New trendy area
Jean Dubost for a green life style and a responsible consumption
Jean Dubost bread knives made in France
French pocket knives which have a travelling taste!
Jean Dubost official partner of the french culinary TV show ""the best pastry cook special celebrities edition"" on M6 Channel
Jean Dubost takes place among the inescapable at Maison*Objet show in Paris
Jean Dubost : a living heritage company
Jean Dubost Merchandising
Jean Dubost, french cutlery since 1920
Jean Dubost flatware to taste "Le meilleur Patissier" cakes !
Jean Dubost knives Frérot collection, 100% made in France
With Jean Dubost remain connected
Cutting boards 100% Made in France
The olivewood for 100% natural articles
Jean Dubost at International Housewares Show in Chicago
My mother cooks better than yours choose Jean Dubost knives
Laguiole Jean Dubost cheese set to serve at cheeseday in Paris and NYC !
""Lil Bro""®: the supportive pocket knife signed Laguiole Jean Dubost!
Clearly segment your offer with knives by ranges, needs and uses.
New : Jean Dubost at Sirha show in Lyon France
Jean Dubost french cutler since 1920, partner with the specialist of sharpening!
Come and discover all our new ranges !
Jean Dubost flatware novelties, kitchen knives, Laguiole knives...
The major for summer !
We'll be pleased to welcome you on our South Building booth S1539
A maximum of choice in a minimum space!
We'll be pleased to welcome you on our booth A80 Hall 3.1
The winners receive a wonderfull set of 4 Christian Etchebest knife by Jean Dubost
Merchandising novelty, registred design
In Paris, on next saturday november 28th
The Jean Dubost expertise to serve you!
To savor and have a rough time in Paris !
When love of cooking and knife meet...
In september, you'll find Jean Dubost booth in Hall 5A (not anymore in Hall 3)
Follow the trend too !
Laguiole Jean Dubost Millésime ® Sommelier corkscrews
Our new Laguiole range : a very big success !
We would be happy to welcome you on Maison & Objet show from 23 till 27 January 2015, Hall 3 booth D81
From Monday to Friday at 4:50 pm, your culinary meeting on France 2 channel!
Your gourmet break!
Jean Dubost renew his partnership with ""Amoureusement soupe""
Our training manual : one very striking success at last Maison&Objet show !
We'll be pleased to welcome you on our booth from 18 till 20 september 2014
We'll be pleased to welcome you on our booth D79 Cook + Design Hall 3
Jean Dubost, your merchandising partner
Jean Dubost your merchandising partner !
We'll be pleased to welcome you on our booth 407
We'll be pleased to welcome you on our booth 4D-105
Microcake® Jean Dubost : the star who rises !
The new merchandising tool by Jean Dubost: playful, informative and functional!
“Jean Dubost: The good products, on the good place, at the right time”
A cosmopolitan knives set !
Nomadic magnetized rack
""Best look 2013"" award for Le Thiers kitchen set Jean Dubost
PARIS - MIF Expo - 9,10 & 11 November 2013, Porte de Versailles
Highlight all your references !
Jean Dubost 1920 range, grow up !
The new french culinary TV programm, with the most famous pastry cook chef : Mr Chistophe Michalak
Jean Dubost : the fashion brand !
For each knife its use !
The hunger is not anymore a fate. Jean Dubost stands by this fight.